""" Built-in potentials implemented in Cython """
# HACK: This hack brought to you by a bug in cython, and a solution from here:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57138496/class-level-classmethod-can-only-be-called-on-a-method-descriptor-or-instance
myclassmethod = __builtins__.classmethod
except AttributeError:
myclassmethod = __builtins__["classmethod"]
# Third-party
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import G
from gala.potential.common import PotentialParameter
from gala.potential.potential.builtin.cybuiltin import (
# Project
from ..core import PotentialBase, _potential_docstring
from ..cpotential import CPotentialBase
from ..util import format_doc, sympy_wrap
__all__ = [
def __getattr__(name):
if name in __all__ and name in globals():
return globals()[name]
if not (name.startswith("MultipolePotentialLmax")):
raise AttributeError(f"Module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}.")
if name in mp_cache:
return mp_cache[name]
lmax = int(name.split("Lmax")[1])
except Exception:
raise ImportError("Invalid") # shouldn't ever get here!
return make_multipole_cls(lmax, timedep="TimeDependent" in name)
class HenonHeilesPotential(CPotentialBase):
The Hénon-Heiles potential.
ndim = 2
Wrapper = HenonHeilesWrapper
@sympy_wrap(var="x y")
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
expr = (
/ 2
* (
v["x"] ** 2
+ v["y"] ** 2
+ 2 * v["x"] ** 2 * v["y"]
- 2.0 / 3 * v["y"] ** 3
return expr, v, p
# ============================================================================
# Spherical models
class KeplerPotential(CPotentialBase):
The Kepler potential for a point mass.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
Point mass value.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
Wrapper = KeplerWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
r = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + v["z"] ** 2)
expr = -p["G"] * p["m"] / r
return expr, v, p
class IsochronePotential(CPotentialBase):
The Isochrone potential.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
b : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Core concentration.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
b = PotentialParameter("b", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = IsochroneWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
r = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + v["z"] ** 2)
expr = -p["G"] * p["m"] / (sy.sqrt(r**2 + p["b"] ** 2) + p["b"])
return expr, v, p
def action_angle(self, w):
Transform the input cartesian position and velocity to action-angle
coordinates the Isochrone potential. See Section 3.5.2 in
Binney & Tremaine (2008), and be aware of the errata entry for
Eq. 3.225.
This transformation is analytic and can be used as a "toy potential"
in the Sanders & Binney 2014 formalism for computing action-angle
coordinates in _any_ potential.
Adapted from Jason Sanders' code
`here <https://github.com/jlsanders/genfunc>`_.
w : :class:`gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, :class:`gala.dynamics.Orbit`
The positions or orbit to compute the actions, angles, and
frequencies at.
from gala.dynamics.actionangle import isochrone_xv_to_aa
return isochrone_xv_to_aa(w, self)
class HernquistPotential(CPotentialBase):
Hernquist potential for a spheroid.
See: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1990ApJ...356..359H
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
c : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Core concentration.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
c = PotentialParameter("c", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = HernquistWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
r = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + v["z"] ** 2)
expr = -p["G"] * p["m"] / (r + p["c"])
return expr, v, p
class PlummerPotential(CPotentialBase):
Plummer potential for a spheroid.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
b : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Core concentration.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
b = PotentialParameter("b", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = PlummerWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
r = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + v["z"] ** 2)
expr = -p["G"] * p["m"] / sy.sqrt(r**2 + p["b"] ** 2)
return expr, v, p
class JaffePotential(CPotentialBase):
Jaffe potential for a spheroid.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
c : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Core concentration.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
c = PotentialParameter("c", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = JaffeWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
r = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + v["z"] ** 2)
expr = p["G"] * p["m"] / p["c"] * sy.log(r / (r + p["c"]))
return expr, v, p
class StonePotential(CPotentialBase):
StonePotential(m, r_c, r_h, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
Stone potential from `Stone & Ostriker (2015)
m_tot : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
Total mass.
r_c : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Core radius.
r_h : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Halo radius.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
r_c = PotentialParameter("r_c", physical_type="length")
r_h = PotentialParameter("r_h", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = StoneWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
r = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + v["z"] ** 2)
A = -2 * p["G"] * p["m"] / (np.pi * (p["r_h"] - p["r_c"]))
expr = A * (
p["r_h"] / r * sy.atan(r / p["r_h"])
- p["r_c"] / r * sy.atan(r / p["r_c"])
+ 1.0 / 2 * sy.log((r**2 + p["r_h"] ** 2) / (r**2 + p["r_c"] ** 2))
return expr, v, p
class PowerLawCutoffPotential(CPotentialBase, GSL_only=True):
A spherical power-law density profile with an exponential cutoff.
The power law index must be ``0 <= alpha < 3``.
.. note::
This potential requires GSL to be installed, and Gala must have been
built and installed with GSL support enaled (the default behavior).
See http://gala.adrian.pw/en/latest/install.html for more information.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
Total mass.
alpha : numeric
Power law index. Must satisfy: ``alpha < 3``
r_c : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Cutoff radius.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
alpha = PotentialParameter("alpha", physical_type="dimensionless")
r_c = PotentialParameter("r_c", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = PowerLawCutoffWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
G = p["G"]
m = p["m"]
alpha = p["alpha"]
r_c = p["r_c"]
r = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + v["z"] ** 2)
expr = (
* alpha
* m
* sy.lowergamma(3.0 / 2 - alpha / 2, r**2 / r_c**2)
/ (2 * r * sy.gamma(5.0 / 2 - alpha / 2))
+ G
* m
* sy.lowergamma(1 - alpha / 2, r**2 / r_c**2)
/ (r_c * sy.gamma(3.0 / 2 - alpha / 2))
- 3
* G
* m
* sy.lowergamma(3.0 / 2 - alpha / 2, r**2 / r_c**2)
/ (2 * r * sy.gamma(5.0 / 2 - alpha / 2))
return expr, v, p
class BurkertPotential(CPotentialBase):
The Burkert potential that well-matches the rotation curve of dwarf galaxies.
See https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/309140/fulltext/50172.text.html
rho : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass density]
Central mass density.
r0 : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
The core radius.
rho = PotentialParameter("rho", physical_type="mass density")
r0 = PotentialParameter("r0", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = BurkertWrapper
def from_r0(cls, r0, units=None):
from_r0(r0, units=None)
Initialize a Burkert potential from the core radius, ``r0``.
See Equations 4 and 5 of Mori & Burkert.
r0 : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
The core radius of the Burkert potential.
a = 0.021572405792749372 * u.Msun / u.pc**3 # converted: 1.46e-24 g/cm**3
rho_d0 = a * (r0 / (3.07 * u.kpc))**(-2/3)
return cls(rho=rho_d0, r0=r0, units=units)
# ============================================================================
# Flattened, axisymmetric models
class SatohPotential(CPotentialBase):
SatohPotential(m, a, b, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
Satoh potential for a flattened mass distribution.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
a : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale length.
b : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale height.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
a = PotentialParameter("a", physical_type="length")
b = PotentialParameter("b", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = SatohWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
R = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2)
z = v["z"]
term = R**2 + z**2 + p["a"] * (p["a"] + 2 * sy.sqrt(z**2 + p["b"] ** 2))
expr = -p["G"] * p["m"] / sy.sqrt(term)
return expr, v, p
class KuzminPotential(CPotentialBase):
KuzminPotential(m, a, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
Kuzmin potential for a flattened mass distribution.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
a : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Flattening parameter.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
a = PotentialParameter("a", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = KuzminWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
denom = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2 + (p["a"] + sy.Abs(v["z"])) ** 2)
expr = -p["G"] * p["m"] / denom
return expr, v, p
class MiyamotoNagaiPotential(CPotentialBase):
MiyamotoNagaiPotential(m, a, b, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
Miyamoto-Nagai potential for a flattened mass distribution.
See: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1975PASJ...27..533M
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
a : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale length.
b : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale height.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
a = PotentialParameter("a", physical_type="length")
b = PotentialParameter("b", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = MiyamotoNagaiWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
R = sy.sqrt(v["x"] ** 2 + v["y"] ** 2)
z = v["z"]
term = R**2 + (p["a"] + sy.sqrt(z**2 + p["b"] ** 2)) ** 2
expr = -p["G"] * p["m"] / sy.sqrt(term)
return expr, v, p
class MN3ExponentialDiskPotential(CPotentialBase):
MN3ExponentialDiskPotential(m, h_R, h_z, positive_density=True, sech2_z=True,
units=None, origin=None, R=None)
A sum of three Miyamoto-Nagai disk potentials that approximate the potential
generated by a double exponential disk.
This model is taken from `Smith et al. (2015)
<https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015MNRAS.448.2934S/abstract>`_ - if you
use this potential class, please also cite that work.
As described in the above reference, this approximation has two options: (1)
with the ``positive_density=True`` argument set, this density will be
positive everywhere, but is only a good approximation of the exponential
density within about 5 disk scale lengths, and (2) with
``positive_density=False``, this density will be negative in some regions,
but is a better approximation out to about 7 or 8 disk scale lengths.
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
h_R : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Radial (exponential) scale length.
h_z : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
If ``sech2_z=True``, this is the scale height in a sech^2 vertical
profile. If ``sech2_z=False``, this is an exponential scale height.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
h_R = PotentialParameter("h_R", physical_type="length")
h_z = PotentialParameter("h_z", physical_type="length")
Wrapper = MN3ExponentialDiskWrapper
_K_pos_dens = np.array(
[0.0036, -0.0330, 0.1117, -0.1335, 0.1749],
[-0.0131, 0.1090, -0.3035, 0.2921, -5.7976],
[-0.0048, 0.0454, -0.1425, 0.1012, 6.7120],
[-0.0158, 0.0993, -0.2070, -0.7089, 0.6445],
[-0.0319, 0.1514, -0.1279, -0.9325, 2.6836],
[-0.0326, 0.1816, -0.2943, -0.6329, 2.3193],
_K_neg_dens = np.array(
[-0.0090, 0.0640, -0.1653, 0.1164, 1.9487],
[0.0173, -0.0903, 0.0877, 0.2029, -1.3077],
[-0.0051, 0.0287, -0.0361, -0.0544, 0.2242],
[-0.0358, 0.2610, -0.6987, -0.1193, 2.0074],
[-0.0830, 0.4992, -0.7967, -1.2966, 4.4441],
[-0.0247, 0.1718, -0.4124, -0.5944, 0.7333],
def __init__(
PotentialBase.__init__(self, *args, units=units, origin=origin, R=R, **kwargs)
hzR = (self.parameters["h_z"] / self.parameters["h_R"]).decompose()
if positive_density:
K = self._K_pos_dens
K = self._K_neg_dens
# get b / h_R
if sech2_z:
b_hR = -0.033 * hzR**3 + 0.262 * hzR**2 + 0.659 * hzR
b_hR = -0.269 * hzR**3 + 1.08 * hzR**2 + 1.092 * hzR
self.positive_density = positive_density
self.sech2_z = sech2_z
x = np.vander([b_hR], N=5)[0]
param_vec = K @ x
self._ms = param_vec[:3] * self.parameters["m"].value
self._as = param_vec[3:] * self.parameters["h_R"].value
self._b = b_hR * self.parameters["h_R"]
c_only = {}
for i in range(3):
c_only[f"m{i+1}"] = self._ms[i]
c_only[f"a{i+1}"] = self._as[i]
c_only[f"b{i+1}"] = self._b.value
def get_three_potentials(self):
Return three MiyamotoNagaiPotential instances that represent the three internal
components of this MN3 potential model
pots = {}
for i in range(3):
name = f"disk{i+1}"
pots[name] = MiyamotoNagaiPotential(
m=self._ms[i], a=self._as[i], b=self._b, units=self.units
return pots
# ============================================================================
# Triaxial models
class NFWPotential(CPotentialBase):
NFWPotential(m, r_s, a=1, b=1, c=1, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
General Navarro-Frenk-White potential. Supports spherical, flattened, and
triaxiality but the flattening is introduced into the potential, not the
density, and can therefore lead to unphysical mass distributions. For a
triaxial NFW potential that supports flattening in the density, see
See also the alternate initializers: `NFWPotential.from_circular_velocity`
and `NFWPotential.from_M200_c`
m : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
Scale mass.
r_s : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale radius.
a : numeric
Major axis scale.
b : numeric
Intermediate axis scale.
c : numeric
Minor axis scale.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
r_s = PotentialParameter("r_s", physical_type="length")
a = PotentialParameter("a", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
b = PotentialParameter("b", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
c = PotentialParameter("c", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
def _setup_potential(self, parameters, origin=None, R=None, units=None):
super()._setup_potential(parameters, origin=origin, R=R, units=units)
a = self.parameters["a"]
b = self.parameters["b"]
c = self.parameters["c"]
if np.allclose([a, b, c], 1.0):
self.Wrapper = SphericalNFWWrapper
elif np.allclose([a, b], 1.0):
self.Wrapper = FlattenedNFWWrapper
self.Wrapper = TriaxialNFWWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
uu = (
(v["x"] / p["a"]) ** 2 + (v["y"] / p["b"]) ** 2 + (v["z"] / p["c"]) ** 2
/ p["r_s"]
v_h2 = p["G"] * p["m"] / p["r_s"]
expr = -v_h2 * sy.log(1 + uu) / uu
return expr, v, p
def from_M200_c(M200, c, rho_c=None, units=None, origin=None, R=None):
from_M200_c(M200, c, rho_c=None, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
Initialize an NFW potential from a virial mass, ``M200``, and a
concentration, ``c``.
M200 : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
Virial mass, or mass at 200 times the critical density, ``rho_c``.
c : numeric
NFW halo concentration.
rho_c : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [density]
Critical density at z=0. If not specified, uses the default astropy
cosmology to obtain this, `~astropy.cosmology.default_cosmology`.
if rho_c is None:
from astropy.constants import G
from astropy.cosmology import default_cosmology
cosmo = default_cosmology.get()
rho_c = (3 * cosmo.H(0.0) ** 2 / (8 * np.pi * G)).to(u.Msun / u.kpc**3)
Rvir = np.cbrt(M200 / (200 * rho_c) / (4.0 / 3 * np.pi)).to(u.kpc)
r_s = Rvir / c
A_NFW = np.log(1 + c) - c / (1 + c)
m = M200 / A_NFW
return NFWPotential(
m=m, r_s=r_s, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=1.0, units=units, origin=origin, R=R
def from_circular_velocity(
Initialize an NFW potential from a circular velocity, scale radius, and
reference radius for the circular velocity.
For scale mass :math:`m_s`, scale radius :math:`r_s`, scaled
reference radius :math:`u_{\rm ref} = r_{\rm ref}/r_s`:
.. math::
\frac{G\,m_s}{r_s} = \frac{v_c^2}{u_{\rm ref}} \,
\left[\frac{u_{\rm ref}}{1+u_{\rm ref}} -
\frac{\ln(1+u_{\rm ref})}{u_{\rm ref}^2} \right]^{-1}
v_c : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [velocity]
Circular velocity at the reference radius ``r_ref`` (see below).
r_s : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale radius.
a : numeric
Major axis scale.
b : numeric
Intermediate axis scale.
c : numeric
Minor axis scale.
r_ref : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length] (optional)
Reference radius at which the circular velocity is given. By default,
this is assumed to be the scale radius, ``r_s``.
if not hasattr(v_c, "unit"):
v_c = v_c * units["length"] / units["time"]
if not hasattr(r_s, "unit"):
r_s = r_s * units["length"]
if r_ref is None:
r_ref = r_s
m = NFWPotential._vc_rs_rref_to_m(v_c, r_s, r_ref)
m = m.to(units["mass"])
return NFWPotential(
m=m, r_s=r_s, a=a, b=b, c=c, units=units, origin=origin, R=R
def _vc_rs_rref_to_m(v_c, r_s, r_ref):
uu = r_ref / r_s
vs2 = v_c**2 / uu / (np.log(1 + uu) / uu**2 - 1 / (uu * (1 + uu)))
return r_s * vs2 / G
class LogarithmicPotential(CPotentialBase):
LogarithmicPotential(v_c, r_h, q1, q2, q3, phi=0, theta=0, psi=0, units=None,
origin=None, R=None)
Triaxial logarithmic potential.
v_c : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [velocity]
Circular velocity.
r_h : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale radius.
q1 : numeric
Flattening in X.
q2 : numeric
Flattening in Y.
q3 : numeric
Flattening in Z.
phi : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric
First euler angle in the z-x-z convention.
v_c = PotentialParameter("v_c", physical_type="speed")
r_h = PotentialParameter("r_h", physical_type="length")
q1 = PotentialParameter("q1", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
q2 = PotentialParameter("q2", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
q3 = PotentialParameter("q3", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
phi = PotentialParameter("phi", physical_type="angle", default=0.0)
Wrapper = LogarithmicWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
r2 = (v["x"] / p["q1"]) ** 2 + (v["y"] / p["q2"]) ** 2 + (v["z"] / p["q3"]) ** 2
expr = 1.0 / 2 * p["v_c"] ** 2 * sy.log(p["r_h"] ** 2 + r2)
return expr, v, p
class LeeSutoTriaxialNFWPotential(CPotentialBase):
LeeSutoTriaxialNFWPotential(v_c, r_s, a, b, c, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
Approximation of a Triaxial NFW Potential with the flattening in the density,
not the potential.
See `Lee & Suto (2003) <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003ApJ...585..151L>`_
for details.
v_c : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [velocity]
Circular velocity at the scale radius.
r_h : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Scale radius.
a : numeric
Major axis.
b : numeric
Intermediate axis.
c : numeric
Minor axis.
v_c = PotentialParameter("v_c", physical_type="speed")
r_s = PotentialParameter("r_s", physical_type="length")
a = PotentialParameter("a", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
b = PotentialParameter("b", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
c = PotentialParameter("c", physical_type="dimensionless", default=1.0)
Wrapper = LeeSutoTriaxialNFWWrapper
# TODO: implement to_sympy()
class LongMuraliBarPotential(CPotentialBase):
LongMuraliBarPotential(m, a, b, c, alpha=0, units=None, origin=None, R=None)
A simple, triaxial model for a galaxy bar. This is a softened "needle"
density distribution with an analytic potential form.
See `Long & Murali (1992) <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992ApJ...397...44L>`_
for details.
m : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [mass]
Mass scale.
a : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Bar half-length.
b : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Like the Miyamoto-Nagai ``b`` parameter.
c : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
Like the Miyamoto-Nagai ``c`` parameter.
m = PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass")
a = PotentialParameter("a", physical_type="length")
b = PotentialParameter("b", physical_type="length")
c = PotentialParameter("c", physical_type="length")
alpha = PotentialParameter("alpha", physical_type="angle", default=0)
Wrapper = LongMuraliBarWrapper
def to_sympy(cls, v, p):
import sympy as sy
x = v["x"] * sy.cos(p["alpha"]) + v["y"] * sy.sin(p["alpha"])
y = -v["x"] * sy.sin(p["alpha"]) + v["y"] * sy.cos(p["alpha"])
z = v["z"]
Tm = sy.sqrt(
(p["a"] - x) ** 2 + y**2 + (p["b"] + sy.sqrt(p["c"] ** 2 + z**2)) ** 2
Tp = sy.sqrt(
(p["a"] + x) ** 2 + y**2 + (p["b"] + sy.sqrt(p["c"] ** 2 + z**2)) ** 2
expr = (
* p["m"]
/ (2 * p["a"])
* sy.log((x - p["a"] + Tm) / (x + p["a"] + Tp))
return expr, v, p
# ==============================================================================
# Special
class NullPotential(CPotentialBase):
NullPotential(units=None, origin=None, R=None)
A null potential with 0 mass. Does nothing.
Wrapper = NullWrapper
# ==============================================================================
# Multipole and flexible potential models
mp_cache = {}
def make_multipole_cls(lmax, timedep=False):
"""Create a MultipolePotential or MultipoleTimeDependentPotential class
(not an instance!) with the specified value of lmax.
lmax : int
timedep : bool
if timedep:
raise NotImplementedError("Time dependent potential coming soon!")
# cls = MultipoleTimeDependentPotential
# param_default = [0.]
cls = MultipolePotential
param_default = 0.0
cls_name = f"{cls.__name__}Lmax{lmax}"
if cls_name in mp_cache:
return mp_cache[cls_name]
parameters = {
"_lmax": lmax,
"inner": PotentialParameter("inner", default=False),
"m": PotentialParameter("m", physical_type="mass", default=1.0),
"r_s": PotentialParameter("r_s", physical_type="length", default=1.0),
doc_lines = []
ab_callsig = []
for l in range(lmax + 1):
for m in range(0, l + 1):
if timedep:
a = f"alpha{l}{m}"
b = f"beta{l}{m}"
dtype = "array-like"
a = f"S{l}{m}"
b = f"T{l}{m}"
dtype = "float"
parameters[a] = PotentialParameter(
a, physical_type="dimensionless", default=param_default
parameters[b] = PotentialParameter(
b, physical_type="dimensionless", default=param_default
doc_lines.append(f"{a} : {dtype}\n{b} : {dtype}")
ab_callsig.append(f"{a}, {b}")
ab_callsig = ", ".join(ab_callsig)
call_signature = f"{cls.__name__}(m, r_s, {ab_callsig})"
parameters["__doc__"] = call_signature + cls.__doc__ + "\n".join(doc_lines)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/58716798/623453
parameters["__module__"] = __name__
# Create a new SkyOffsetFrame subclass for this frame class.
potential_cls = type(cls_name, (cls,), parameters)
mp_cache[cls_name] = potential_cls
return mp_cache[cls_name]
class MultipolePotential(CPotentialBase, GSL_only=True):
A perturbing potential represented by a multipole expansion.
.. math::
\Phi^l_\mathrm{max}(r,\theta,\phi) = \sum_{l=1}^{l=l_\mathrm{max}}\sum_{m=0}^{m=l}
r^l \, (S_{lm} \, \cos{m\,\phi} + T_{lm} \, \sin{m\,\phi})
\, P_l^m(\cos\theta)
.. math::
\Phi^l_\mathrm{max}(r,\theta,\phi) = \sum_{l=1}^{l=l_\mathrm{max}}\sum_{m=0}^{m=l}
r^{-(l+1)} \, (S_{lm} \, \cos{m\,\phi} + T_{lm} \, \sin{m\,\phi})
\, P_l^m(\cos\theta)
The allowed coefficient parameter names will depend on how you set ``lmax``, and the
default value for all coefficient parameter values is 0.
m : numeric
Scale mass.
r_s : numeric
Scale length.
lmax : int
The maximum ``l`` order.
inner : bool (optional)
Controls whether to use the inner expansion, or the outer expansion (see above).
Default value = ``False``.
S00 : float (optional)
S10 : float (optional)
S11 : float (optional)
T11 : float (optional)
To create a potential object with only a dipole:
>>> pot = MultipolePotential(lmax=1, S10=5.)
Wrapper = MultipoleWrapper
def __init__(self, *args, units=None, origin=None, R=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.pop("lmax", None)
PotentialBase.__init__(self, *args, units=units, origin=origin, R=R, **kwargs)
{"lmax": self._lmax, "n_coeffs": sum(range(self._lmax + 2))}
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# We don't want to call this method if we've already set up
# an skyoffset frame for this class.
if not (issubclass(cls, MultipolePotential) and cls is not MultipolePotential):
lmax = kwargs["lmax"]
except KeyError:
raise TypeError(
"Can't initialize a MultipolePotential without specifying "
"the `lmax` keyword argument."
newcls = make_multipole_cls(lmax)
return newcls.__new__(newcls, *args, **kwargs)
if super().__new__ is object.__new__:
return super().__new__(cls)
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
class CylSplinePotential(CPotentialBase):
A flexible potential model that uses spline interpolation over a 2D grid in
cylindrical R-z coordinates.
grid_R : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
A 1D grid of cylindrical radius R values. This should start at 0.
grid_z : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [length]
A 1D grid of cylindrical z values. This should start at 0.
grid_Phi : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, numeric [specific energy]
A 2D grid of potential values, evaluated at all R,z locations.
grid_R = PotentialParameter("grid_R", physical_type="length")
grid_z = PotentialParameter("grid_z", physical_type="length")
grid_Phi = PotentialParameter("grid_Phi", physical_type="specific energy")
Wrapper = CylSplineWrapper
def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs):
"""Load a potential instance from an Agama export file.
filename : path-like
The path to the Agama expoirt file, either as a string or ``pathlib.Path`` object.
Other keyword arguments are passed to the initializer.
with open(filename, "r") as f:
raw_lines = f.readlines()
start = r"#R(row)\z(col)"
Phi_lines = []
for i, line in enumerate(raw_lines):
if line.startswith(start):
+ [float(y) for y in line[len(start) :].strip().split("\t")]
[[float(y) for y in x.strip().split("\t")] for x in raw_lines[i + 1 :]]
Phi_lines = np.array(Phi_lines)
gridR = Phi_lines[1:, 0] * u.kpc
gridz = Phi_lines[0, 1:] * u.kpc
gridPhi = Phi_lines[1:, 1:] * (u.km / u.s) ** 2
return cls(gridR, gridz, gridPhi, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, units=None, origin=None, R=None, **kwargs):
PotentialBase.__init__(self, *args, units=units, origin=origin, R=R, **kwargs)
grid_R = self.parameters["grid_R"]
grid_z = self.parameters["grid_z"]
grid_Phi = self.parameters["grid_Phi"]
Phi0 = grid_Phi[0, 0] # potential at R=0,z=0
self._multipole_pot = self._fit_asympt(grid_R, grid_z, grid_Phi)
Phi_Rmax = self._multipole_pot.energy([1.0, 0, 0] * grid_R.max())
Mtot = -Phi_Rmax[0] * grid_R.max()
if Phi0 < 0 and Mtot > 0:
# assign Rscale so that it approximately equals -Mtotal/Phi(r=0),
# i.e. would equal the scale radius of a Plummer potential
Rscale = (-Mtot / Phi0).to(self.units["length"])
Rscale = grid_R[len(grid_R) // 2] # "rather arbitrary"
# APW: assumed / enforced mmax=0 - different from Agama
sizeR = len(grid_R)
# grid in z assumed to only cover half-space z>=0; the density is assumed
# to be z-reflection symmetric:
sizez_orig = len(grid_z)
grid_z = np.concatenate((-grid_z[::-1], grid_z[1:]))
sizez = len(grid_z)
# transform the grid to log-scaled coordinates
grid_R_asinh = np.arcsinh((grid_R / Rscale).decompose().value)
grid_z_asinh = np.arcsinh((grid_z / Rscale).decompose().value)
logScaling = np.all(grid_Phi < 0)
# temporary containers of scaled potential and derivatives used to
# construct 2d splines
if grid_Phi.shape[0] != sizeR or grid_Phi.shape[1] != sizez_orig:
raise ValueError("CylSpline: incorrect coefs array size")
grid_Phi_full = np.zeros((sizeR, sizez))
grid_Phi_full[:, : sizez_orig - 1] = grid_Phi[:, :0:-1]
grid_Phi_full[:, sizez_orig - 1 :] = grid_Phi
if logScaling:
grid_Phi_full = np.log(-grid_Phi_full)
grid_Phi_full = grid_Phi_full
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
self.spl = RectBivariateSpline(grid_R_asinh, grid_z_asinh, grid_Phi_full)
# Note: if MultipolePotential parameter order changes, this needs to be updated!
multipole_pars = np.concatenate(
sum(range(self._multipole_pot._lmax + 2)),
[x.value for x in self._multipole_pot.parameters.values()],
self._c_only = {
"log_scaling": logScaling,
"Rscale": Rscale.value,
"sizeR": sizeR,
"sizez": sizez,
"grid_R_trans": grid_R_asinh,
"grid_z_trans": grid_z_asinh,
"grid_Phi_trans": grid_Phi_full.T,
"multipole_pars": multipole_pars,
def _fit_asympt(self, grid_R, grid_z, grid_Phi, lmax_fit=8):
Assumes z reflection symmetry
lmax_fit : int
Number of meridional harmonics to fit - don't set too large
from scipy.special import sph_harm
sizeR = len(grid_R)
sizez = len(grid_z)
# assemble the boundary points and their indices
assert grid_Phi.shape == (sizeR, sizez)
maxz = np.max(grid_z.value)
# first run along R at the max-z and min-z edges
points = np.concatenate(
([[R, maxz] for R in grid_R.value], [[R, -maxz] for R in grid_R.value])
Phis = np.concatenate(
(grid_Phi[:, np.argmax(grid_z)].value, grid_Phi[:, np.argmax(grid_z)].value)
maxR = np.max(grid_R.value)
points = np.concatenate(
[[maxR, z] for z in grid_z.value],
[[maxR, -z] for z in grid_z.value],
Phis = np.concatenate(
grid_Phi[np.argmax(grid_R), :].value,
grid_Phi[np.argmax(grid_R), :].value,
npoints = len(points)
# ncoefs = lmax_fit + 1
r0 = min(np.max(grid_R), np.max(grid_z))
i, j = len(grid_R) // 2, len(grid_z) // 2
rr = np.sqrt(grid_R[i] ** 2 + grid_z[j] ** 2)
m = np.abs(grid_Phi[i, j] * rr / G).to(self.units["mass"])
scale = (G * m / r0).decompose(self.units).value
# find values of spherical harmonic coefficients
# that best match the potential at the array of boundary points
# for m-th harmonic, we may have lmax-m+1 different l-terms
matr = np.zeros((npoints, lmax_fit + 1))
# The linear system to solve in the least-square sense is M_{p,l} * S_l = R_p,
# where R_p = Phi at p-th boundary point (0<=p<npoints),
# M_{l,p} = value of l-th harmonic coefficient at p-th boundary point,
# S_l = the amplitude of l-th coefficient to be determined.
r = np.sqrt(points[:, 0] ** 2 + points[:, 1] ** 2)
theta = np.arctan2(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])
ls = np.arange(lmax_fit + 1)
Pl0 = np.stack([sph_harm(0, l, 0.0, theta).real for l in ls]).T
matr = (r[:, None] / r0.value) ** -(ls[None] + 1) * Pl0
y = Phis / scale
sol, resid, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(matr, y, rcond=None)
pars = {f"S{l}0": sol[l].real for l in ls}
return MultipolePotential(
lmax=lmax_fit, m=m, r_s=r0, inner=False, units=self.units, **pars