Source code for gala.dynamics.actionangle

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import division, print_function

Utilities for estimating actions and angles for an arbitrary orbit in an
arbitrary potential.

__author__ = "adrn <>"

# Standard library
import time

# Third-party
import numpy as np
from astropy import log as logger
from scipy.linalg import solve
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

# Project
from ..potential import HarmonicOscillatorPotential, IsochronePotential

__all__ = ['generate_n_vectors', 'fit_isochrone',
           'fit_harmonic_oscillator', 'fit_toy_potential', 'check_angle_sampling',

[docs]def generate_n_vectors(N_max, dx=1, dy=1, dz=1, half_lattice=True): r""" Generate integer vectors, :math:`\boldsymbol{n}`, with :math:`|\boldsymbol{n}| < N_{\rm max}`. If ``half_lattice=True``, only return half of the three-dimensional lattice. If the set N = {(i,j,k)} defines the lattice, we restrict to the cases such that ``(k > 0)``, ``(k = 0, j > 0)``, and ``(k = 0, j = 0, i > 0)``. .. todo:: Return shape should be (3,N) to be consistent. Parameters ---------- N_max : int Maximum norm of the integer vector. dx : int Step size in x direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. dy : int Step size in y direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. dz : int Step size in z direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. half_lattice : bool (optional) Only return half of the 3D lattice. Returns ------- vecs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A 2D array of integers with :math:`|\boldsymbol{n}| < N_{\rm max}` with shape (N,3). """ vecs = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-N_max, N_max+1, dx), np.arange(-N_max, N_max+1, dy), np.arange(-N_max, N_max+1, dz)) vecs = np.vstack(map(np.ravel,vecs)).T vecs = vecs[np.linalg.norm(vecs,axis=1) <= N_max] if half_lattice: ix = ((vecs[:,2] > 0) | ((vecs[:,2] == 0) & (vecs[:,1] > 0)) | ((vecs[:,2] == 0) & (vecs[:,1] == 0) & (vecs[:,0] > 0))) vecs = vecs[ix] vecs = np.array(sorted(vecs, key=lambda x: (x[0],x[1],x[2]))) return vecs
[docs]def fit_isochrone(orbit, m0=2E11, b0=1.): r""" Fit the toy Isochrone potential to the sum of the energy residuals relative to the mean energy by minimizing the function .. math:: f(m,b) = \sum_i (\frac{1}{2}v_i^2 + \Phi_{\rm iso}(x_i\,|\,m,b) - <E>)^2 Parameters ---------- orbit : `~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit` m0 : numeric (optional) Initial mass guess. b0 : numeric (optional) Initial b guess. Returns ------- m : float Best-fit scale mass for the Isochrone potential. b : float Best-fit core radius for the Isochrone potential. """ pot = orbit.potential if pot is None: raise ValueError("The orbit object must have an associated potential") w = np.squeeze(orbit.w(pot.units)) if w.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Input orbit object must be a single orbit.") def f(p,w): logm,b = p potential = IsochronePotential(m=np.exp(logm), b=b, units=pot.units) H = potential.value(w[:3]).decompose(pot.units).value + 0.5*np.sum(w[3:]**2, axis=0) return np.squeeze(H - np.mean(H)) logm0 = np.log(m0) p,ier = leastsq(f, np.array([logm0, b0]), args=(w,)) if ier < 1 or ier > 4: raise ValueError("Failed to fit toy potential to orbit.") logm,b = np.abs(p) m = np.exp(logm) return IsochronePotential(m=m, b=b, units=pot.units)
[docs]def fit_harmonic_oscillator(orbit, omega0=[1.,1.,1.]): r""" Fit the toy harmonic oscillator potential to the sum of the energy residuals relative to the mean energy by minimizing the function .. math:: f(\boldsymbol{\omega}) = \sum_i (\frac{1}{2}v_i^2 + \Phi_{\rm sho}(x_i\,|\,\boldsymbol{\omega}) - <E>)^2 Parameters ---------- orbit : `~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit` omega0 : array_like (optional) Initial frequency guess. Returns ------- omegas : float Best-fit harmonic oscillator frequencies. """ omega0 = np.atleast_1d(omega0) pot = orbit.potential if pot is None: raise ValueError("The orbit object must have an associated potential") w = np.squeeze(orbit.w(pot.units)) if w.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Input orbit object must be a single orbit.") def f(omega,w): potential = HarmonicOscillatorPotential(omega=omega, units=pot.units) H = potential.value(w[:3]).decompose(pot.units).value + 0.5*np.sum(w[3:]**2, axis=0) return np.squeeze(H - np.mean(H)) p,ier = leastsq(f, omega0, args=(w,)) if ier < 1 or ier > 4: raise ValueError("Failed to fit toy potential to orbit.") best_omega = np.abs(p) return HarmonicOscillatorPotential(omega=best_omega, units=pot.units)
[docs]def fit_toy_potential(orbit, force_harmonic_oscillator=False): """ Fit a best fitting toy potential to the orbit provided. If the orbit is a tube (loop) orbit, use the Isochrone potential. If the orbit is a box potential, use the harmonic oscillator potential. An option is available to force using the harmonic oscillator (`force_harmonic_oscillator`). See the docstrings for ~`gala.dynamics.fit_isochrone()` and ~`gala.dynamics.fit_harmonic_oscillator()` for more information. Parameters ---------- orbit : `~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit` force_harmonic_oscillator : bool (optional) Force using the harmonic oscillator potential as the toy potential. Returns ------- potential : :class:`~gala.potential.IsochronePotential` or :class:`~gala.potential.HarmonicOscillatorPotential` The best-fit potential object. """ circulation = orbit.circulation() if np.any(circulation == 1) and not force_harmonic_oscillator: # tube orbit logger.debug("===== Tube orbit =====") logger.debug("Using Isochrone toy potential") toy_potential = fit_isochrone(orbit) logger.debug("Best m={}, b={}".format(toy_potential.parameters['m'], toy_potential.parameters['b'])) else: # box orbit logger.debug("===== Box orbit =====") logger.debug("Using triaxial harmonic oscillator toy potential") toy_potential = fit_harmonic_oscillator(orbit) logger.debug("Best omegas ({})".format(toy_potential.parameters['omega'])) return toy_potential
[docs]def check_angle_sampling(nvecs, angles): """ Returns a list of the index of elements of n which do not have adequate toy angle coverage. The criterion is that we must have at least one sample in each Nyquist box when we project the toy angles along the vector n. Parameters ---------- nvecs : array_like Array of integer vectors. angles : array_like Array of angles. Returns ------- failed_nvecs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of all integer vectors that failed checks. Has shape (N,3). failures : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of flags that designate whether this failed needing a longer integration window (0) or finer sampling (1). """ failed_nvecs = [] failures = [] logger.debug("Checking modes:") for i,vec in enumerate(nvecs): # N = np.linalg.norm(vec) # X =,vec) X = (angles*vec[:,None]).sum(axis=0) diff = float(np.abs(X.max() - X.min())) if diff < (2.*np.pi): logger.warning("Need a longer integration window for mode " + str(vec)) failed_nvecs.append(vec.tolist()) # P.append(2.*np.pi - diff) failures.append(0) elif (diff/len(X)) > np.pi: logger.warning("Need a finer sampling for mode " + str(vec)) failed_nvecs.append(vec.tolist()) # P.append(np.pi - diff/len(X)) failures.append(1) return np.array(failed_nvecs), np.array(failures)
def _action_prepare(aa, N_max, dx, dy, dz, sign=1., throw_out_modes=False): """ Given toy actions and angles, `aa`, compute the matrix `A` and vector `b` to solve for the vector of "true" actions and generating function values, `x` (see Equations 12-14 in Sanders & Binney (2014)). .. todo:: Wrong shape for aa -- should be (6,n) as usual... Parameters ---------- aa : array_like Shape ``(6,ntimes)`` array of toy actions and angles. N_max : int Maximum norm of the integer vector. dx : int Step size in x direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. dy : int Step size in y direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. dz : int Step size in z direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. sign : numeric (optional) Vector that defines direction of circulation about the axes. """ # unroll the angles so they increase continuously instead of wrap angles = np.unwrap(aa[3:]) # generate integer vectors for fourier modes nvecs = generate_n_vectors(N_max, dx, dy, dz) # make sure we have enough angle coverage modes,P = check_angle_sampling(nvecs, angles) # throw out modes? # if throw_out_modes: # nvecs = np.delete(nvecs, (modes,P), axis=0) n = len(nvecs) + 3 b = np.zeros(shape=(n, )) A = np.zeros(shape=(n,n)) # top left block matrix: identity matrix summed over timesteps A[:3,:3] = aa.shape[1]*np.identity(3) actions = aa[:3] angles = aa[3:] # top right block matrix: transpose of C_nk matrix (Eq. 12) C_T = 2.*nvecs.T * np.sum(np.cos(,angles)), axis=-1) A[:3,3:] = C_T A[3:,:3] = C_T.T # lower right block matrix: C_nk dotted with C_nk^T cosv = np.cos(,angles)) A[3:,3:] = 4.*,nvecs.T)*np.einsum('it,jt->ij', cosv, cosv) # b vector first three is just sum of toy actions b[:3] = np.sum(actions, axis=1) # rest of the vector is C dotted with actions b[3:] = 2*np.sum(,actions)*np.cos(,angles)), axis=1) return A,b,nvecs def _angle_prepare(aa, t, N_max, dx, dy, dz, sign=1.): """ Given toy actions and angles, `aa`, compute the matrix `A` and vector `b` to solve for the vector of "true" angles, frequencies, and generating function derivatives, `x` (see Appendix of Sanders & Binney (2014)). .. todo:: Wrong shape for aa -- should be (6,n) as usual... Parameters ---------- aa : array_like Shape ``(6,ntimes)`` array of toy actions and angles. t : array_like Array of times. N_max : int Maximum norm of the integer vector. dx : int Step size in x direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. dy : int Step size in y direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. dz : int Step size in z direction. Set to 1 for odd and even terms, set to 2 for just even terms. sign : numeric (optional) Vector that defines direction of circulation about the axes. """ # unroll the angles so they increase continuously instead of wrap angles = np.unwrap(aa[3:]) # generate integer vectors for fourier modes nvecs = generate_n_vectors(N_max, dx, dy, dz) # make sure we have enough angle coverage modes,P = check_angle_sampling(nvecs, angles) # TODO: throw out modes? # if(throw_out_modes): # n_vectors = np.delete(n_vectors,check_each_direction(n_vectors,angs),axis=0) nv = len(nvecs) n = 3 + 3 + 3*nv # angle(0)'s, freqs, 3 derivatives of Sn b = np.zeros(shape=(n,)) A = np.zeros(shape=(n,n)) # top left block matrix: identity matrix summed over timesteps A[:3,:3] = aa.shape[1]*np.identity(3) # identity matrices summed over times A[:3,3:6] = A[3:6,:3] = np.sum(t)*np.identity(3) A[3:6,3:6] = np.sum(t*t)*np.identity(3) # S1,2,3 A[6:6+nv,0] = -2.*np.sum(np.sin(,angles)),axis=1) A[6+nv:6+2*nv,1] = A[6:6+nv,0] A[6+2*nv:6+3*nv,2] = A[6:6+nv,0] # t*S1,2,3 A[6:6+nv,3] = -2.*np.sum(t[None,:]*np.sin(,angles)),axis=1) A[6+nv:6+2*nv,4] = A[6:6+nv,3] A[6+2*nv:6+3*nv,5] = A[6:6+nv,3] # lower right block structure: S dot S^T sinv = np.sin(,angles)) SdotST = np.einsum('it,jt->ij', sinv, sinv) A[6:6+nv,6:6+nv] = A[6+nv:6+2*nv,6+nv:6+2*nv] = \ A[6+2*nv:6+3*nv,6+2*nv:6+3*nv] = 4*SdotST # top rectangle A[:6,:] = A[:,:6].T b[:3] = np.sum(angles.T, axis=0) b[3:6] = np.sum(t[:,None]*angles.T, axis=0) b[6:6+nv] = -2.*np.sum(angles[0]*np.sin(,angles)), axis=1) b[6+nv:6+2*nv] = -2.*np.sum(angles[1]*np.sin(,angles)), axis=1) b[6+2*nv:6+3*nv] = -2.*np.sum(angles[2]*np.sin(,angles)), axis=1) return A,b,nvecs def _single_orbit_find_actions(orbit, N_max, toy_potential=None, force_harmonic_oscillator=False): """ Find approximate actions and angles for samples of a phase-space orbit, `w`, at times `t`. Uses toy potentials with known, analytic action-angle transformations to approximate the true coordinates as a Fourier sum. This code is adapted from Jason Sanders' `genfunc <>`_ .. todo:: Wrong shape for w -- should be (6,n) as usual... Parameters ---------- orbit : `~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit` N_max : int Maximum integer Fourier mode vector length, |n|. toy_potential : Potential (optional) Fix the toy potential class. force_harmonic_oscillator : bool (optional) Force using the harmonic oscillator potential as the toy potential. """ if orbit.norbits > 1: raise ValueError("must be a single orbit") if toy_potential is None: toy_potential = fit_toy_potential(orbit, force_harmonic_oscillator=force_harmonic_oscillator) else: logger.debug("Using *fixed* toy potential: {}".format(toy_potential.parameters)) if isinstance(toy_potential, IsochronePotential): orbit_align = orbit.align_circulation_with_z() w = orbit_align.w() dxyz = (1,2,2) circ = np.sign(w[0,0]*w[4,0]-w[1,0]*w[3,0]) sign = np.array([1.,circ,1.]) orbit = orbit_align elif isinstance(toy_potential, HarmonicOscillatorPotential): dxyz = (2,2,2) sign = 1. w = orbit.w() else: raise ValueError("Invalid toy potential.") t = orbit.t.value # Now find toy actions and angles aaf = toy_potential.action_angle(orbit) if aaf[0].ndim > 2: aa = np.vstack((aaf[0].value[...,0], aaf[1].value[...,0])) else: aa = np.vstack((aaf[0].value, aaf[1].value)) if np.any(np.isnan(aa)): ix = ~np.any(np.isnan(aa),axis=0) aa = aa[:,ix] t = t[ix] logger.warning("NaN value in toy actions or angles!") if sum(ix) > 1: raise ValueError("Too many NaN value in toy actions or angles!") t1 = time.time() A,b,nvecs = _action_prepare(aa, N_max, dx=dxyz[0], dy=dxyz[1], dz=dxyz[2]) actions = np.array(solve(A,b)) logger.debug("Action solution found for N_max={}, size {} symmetric" " matrix in {} seconds" .format(N_max,len(actions),time.time()-t1)) t1 = time.time() A,b,nvecs = _angle_prepare(aa, t, N_max, dx=dxyz[0], dy=dxyz[1], dz=dxyz[2], sign=sign) angles = np.array(solve(A,b)) logger.debug("Angle solution found for N_max={}, size {} symmetric" " matrix in {} seconds" .format(N_max,len(angles),time.time()-t1)) # Just some checks if len(angles) > len(aa): logger.warning("More unknowns than equations!") J = actions[:3] # * sign theta = angles[:3] freqs = angles[3:6] # * sign return dict(actions=J*aaf[0].unit, angles=theta*aaf[1].unit, freqs=freqs*aaf[2].unit, Sn=actions[3:], dSn_dJ=angles[6:], nvecs=nvecs)
[docs]def find_actions(orbit, N_max, force_harmonic_oscillator=False, toy_potential=None): r""" Find approximate actions and angles for samples of a phase-space orbit. Uses toy potentials with known, analytic action-angle transformations to approximate the true coordinates as a Fourier sum. This code is adapted from Jason Sanders' `genfunc <>`_ Parameters ---------- orbit : `~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit` N_max : int Maximum integer Fourier mode vector length, :math:`|\boldsymbol{n}|`. force_harmonic_oscillator : bool (optional) Force using the harmonic oscillator potential as the toy potential. toy_potential : Potential (optional) Fix the toy potential class. Returns ------- aaf : dict A Python dictionary containing the actions, angles, frequencies, and value of the generating function and derivatives for each integer vector. Each value of the dictionary is a :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`. """ if orbit.norbits == 1: return _single_orbit_find_actions(orbit, N_max, force_harmonic_oscillator=force_harmonic_oscillator, toy_potential=toy_potential) else: norbits = orbit.norbits actions = np.zeros((3,norbits)) angles = np.zeros((3,norbits)) freqs = np.zeros((3,norbits)) for n in range(norbits): aaf = _single_orbit_find_actions(orbit[:,n], N_max, force_harmonic_oscillator=force_harmonic_oscillator, toy_potential=toy_potential) actions[n] = aaf['actions'].value angles[n] = aaf['angles'].value freqs[n] = aaf['freqs'].value return dict(actions=actions*aaf['actions'].unit, angles=angles*aaf['angles'].unit, freqs=freqs*aaf['freqs'].unit, Sn=actions[3:], dSn=angles[6:], nvecs=aaf['nvecs'])
# def solve_hessian(relative_actions, relative_freqs): # """ Use ordinary least squares to solve for the Hessian, given a # set of actions and frequencies relative to the parent orbit. # """ # def compute_hessian(t, w, actions_kwargs={}): # """ Compute the Hessian (in action-space) of the given orbit # """ # N = dJ.shape[0] # Y = np.ravel(dF) # A = np.zeros((3*N,9)) # A[::3,:3] = dJ # A[1::3,3:6] = dJ # A[2::3,6:9] = dJ # # Solve for 'parameters' - the Hessian elements # X,res,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, Y) # # Symmetrize # D0 = X.reshape(3,3) # D0[0,1] = D0[1,0] = (D0[0,1] + D0[1,0])/2. # D0[0,2] = D0[2,0] = (D0[0,2] + D0[2,0])/2. # D0[1,2] = D0[2,1] = (D0[1,2] + D0[2,1])/2. # print("Residual: " + str(res[0])) # return D0,np.linalg.eigh(D0) # symmetric matrix