Source code for gala.dynamics.util

# coding: utf-8

""" General dynamics utilities. """

from __future__ import division, print_function

__author__ = "adrn <>"

# Third-party
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelmax, argrelmin

# This package
from .core import CartesianPhaseSpacePosition
from ..integrate import LeapfrogIntegrator

__all__ = ['peak_to_peak_period', 'estimate_dt_n_steps']

[docs]def peak_to_peak_period(t, f, amplitude_threshold=1E-2): """ Estimate the period of the input time series by measuring the average peak-to-peak time. Parameters ---------- t : array_like Time grid aligned with the input time series. f : array_like A periodic time series. amplitude_threshold : numeric (optional) A tolerance parameter. Fails if the mean amplitude of oscillations isn't larger than this tolerance. Returns ------- period : float The mean peak-to-peak period. """ if hasattr(t, 'unit'): t_unit = t.unit t = t.value else: t_unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled # find peaks max_ix = argrelmax(f, mode='wrap')[0] max_ix = max_ix[(max_ix != 0) & (max_ix != (len(f)-1))] # find troughs min_ix = argrelmin(f, mode='wrap')[0] min_ix = min_ix[(min_ix != 0) & (min_ix != (len(f)-1))] # neglect minor oscillations if abs(np.mean(f[max_ix]) - np.mean(f[min_ix])) < amplitude_threshold: return np.nan # compute mean peak-to-peak if len(max_ix) > 0: T_max = np.mean(t[max_ix[1:]] - t[max_ix[:-1]]) else: T_max = np.nan # now compute mean trough-to-trough if len(min_ix) > 0: T_min = np.mean(t[min_ix[1:]] - t[min_ix[:-1]]) else: T_min = np.nan # then take the mean of these two return np.mean([T_max, T_min]) * t_unit
def _autodetermine_initial_dt(w0, potential, dE_threshold=1E-9, Integrator=LeapfrogIntegrator): if w0.shape[0] > 1: raise ValueError("Only one set of initial conditions may be passed in at a time.") if dE_threshold is None: return 1. dts = np.logspace(-3, 1, 8)[::-1] _base_n_steps = 1000 for dt in dts: n_steps = int(round(_base_n_steps / dt)) orbit = potential.integrate_orbit(w0, dt=dt, n_steps=n_steps, Integrator=Integrator) E = dE = np.abs((E[-1] - E[0]) / E[0]).value if dE < dE_threshold: break return dt
[docs]def estimate_dt_n_steps(w0, potential, n_periods, n_steps_per_period, dE_threshold=1E-9, func=np.nanmax): """ Estimate the timestep and number of steps to integrate an orbit for given its initial conditions and a potential object. Parameters ---------- w0 : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, array_like Initial conditions. potential : :class:`~gala.potential.PotentialBase` The potential to integrate the orbit in. n_periods : int Number of (max) orbital periods to integrate for. n_steps_per_period : int Number of steps to take per (max) orbital period. dE_threshold : numeric (optional) Maximum fractional energy difference -- used to determine initial timestep. Set to ``None`` to ignore this. func : callable (optional) Determines which period to use. By default, this takes the maximum period using :func:`~numpy.nanmax`. Other options could be :func:`~numpy.nanmin`, :func:`~numpy.nanmean`, :func:`~numpy.nanmedian`. Returns ------- dt : float The timestep. n_steps : int The number of timesteps to integrate for. """ if not isinstance(w0, CartesianPhaseSpacePosition): w0 = np.asarray(w0) w0 = CartesianPhaseSpacePosition.from_w(w0, units=potential.units) # integrate orbit dt = _autodetermine_initial_dt(w0, potential, dE_threshold=dE_threshold) n_steps = int(round(10000 / dt)) orbit = potential.integrate_orbit(w0, dt=dt, n_steps=n_steps) # if loop, align circulation with Z and take R period circ = orbit.circulation() if np.any(circ): orbit = orbit.align_circulation_with_z(circulation=circ) cyl,_ = orbit.represent_as(coord.CylindricalRepresentation) # ignore velocity return # convert to cylindrical coordinates R = cyl.rho.value phi = cyl.phi.value z = cyl.z.value T = np.array([peak_to_peak_period(orbit.t, f).value for f in [R, phi, z]])*orbit.t.unit else: T = np.array([peak_to_peak_period(orbit.t, f).value for f in orbit.pos])*orbit.t.unit # timestep from number of steps per period T = func(T) if np.isnan(T): raise RuntimeError("Failed to find period.") T = T.decompose(potential.units).value dt = T / float(n_steps_per_period) n_steps = int(round(n_periods * T / dt)) if dt == 0. or dt < 1E-13: raise ValueError("Timestep is zero or very small!") return dt, n_steps