
gala.dynamics.plot_orbits(x, t=None, ix=None, axes=None, triangle=False, subplots_kwargs={}, labels=('$x$', '$y$', '$z$'), **kwargs)[source]

Given time series of positions, x, make nice plots of the orbit in cartesian projections.


x : array_like

Array of positions. axis=0 is assumed to be the dimensionality, axis=1 is the time axis. See Array shapes for more information.

t : array_like (optional)

Array of times. Only used if the input orbit is 1-dimensional.

ix : int, array_like (optional)

Index or array of indices of orbits to plot. For example, if x is an array of shape (3,1024,32) - 1024 timesteps for 32 orbits in 3D positions – ix would specify which of the 32 orbits to plot.

axes : array_like (optional)

Array of matplotlib Axes objects.

triangle : bool (optional)

Make a triangle plot instead of plotting all projections in a single row.

subplots_kwargs : dict (optional)

Dictionary of kwargs passed to subplots().

labels : iterable (optional)

List or iterable of axis labels as strings. They should correspond to the dimensions of the input orbit.


All other keyword arguments are passed to plot(). You can pass in any of the usual style kwargs like color=..., marker=..., etc.


fig : Figure