Source code for gala.dynamics.orbit

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import division, print_function

__author__ = "adrn <>"

# Third-party
from astropy import log as logger
import astropy.units as u
uno = u.dimensionless_unscaled
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelmin, argrelmax

# Project
from .core import CartesianPhaseSpacePosition
from .util import peak_to_peak_period
from .plot import plot_orbits
from ..util import atleast_2d

__all__ = ['CartesianOrbit', 'combine']

[docs]class Orbit(object): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Shape and size # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def ntimes(self): return self.pos.shape[1] @property def norbits(self): if self.pos.ndim < 3: return 1 else: return self.pos.shape[2] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Computed dynamical quantities # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def pericenter(self, type=np.mean): """ Estimate the pericenter(s) of the orbit. By default, this returns the mean pericenter. To get, e.g., the minimum pericenter, pass in ``type=np.min``. To get all pericenters, pass in ``type=None``. Parameters ---------- type : func (optional) By default, this returns the mean pericenter. To return all pericenters, pass in ``None``. To get, e.g., the minimum or maximum pericenter, pass in ``np.min`` or ``np.max``. Returns ------- peri : float, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Either a single number or an array of pericenters. """ r = self.r min_ix = argrelmin(r, mode='wrap')[0] min_ix = min_ix[(min_ix != 0) & (min_ix != (len(r)-1))] if type is not None: return type(r[min_ix]) else: return r[min_ix]
[docs] def apocenter(self, type=np.mean): """ Estimate the apocenter(s) of the orbit. By default, this returns the mean apocenter. To get, e.g., the minimum apocenter, pass in ``type=np.min``. To get all apocenters, pass in ``type=None``. Parameters ---------- type : func (optional) By default, this returns the mean apocenter. To return all apocenters, pass in ``None``. To get, e.g., the minimum or maximum apocenter, pass in ``np.min`` or ``np.max``. Returns ------- apo : float, :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Either a single number or an array of apocenters. """ r = self.r max_ix = argrelmax(r, mode='wrap')[0] max_ix = max_ix[(max_ix != 0) & (max_ix != (len(r)-1))] if type is not None: return type(r[max_ix]) else: return r[max_ix]
[docs] def eccentricity(self): r""" Returns the eccentricity computed from the mean apocenter and mean pericenter. .. math:: e = \frac{r_{\rm apo} - r_{\rm per}}{r_{\rm apo} + r_{\rm per}} Returns ------- ecc : float The orbital eccentricity. """ ra = self.apocenter() rp = self.pericenter() return (ra - rp) / (ra + rp)
[docs] def estimate_period(self, radial=True): """ Estimate the period of the orbit. By default, computes the radial period. If ``radial==False``, this returns period estimates for each dimension of the orbit. Parameters ---------- radial : bool (optional) What period to estimate. If ``True``, estimates the radial period. If ``False``, estimates period in each dimension, e.g., if the orbit is 3D, along x, y, and z. Returns ------- T : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The period or periods. """ if self.t is None: raise ValueError("To compute the period, a time array is needed." " Specify a time array when creating this object.") if radial: r = self.r.value if self.norbits == 1: T = peak_to_peak_period(self.t.value, r) T = T * self.t.unit else: T = [peak_to_peak_period(self.t.value, r[:,n]) for n in range(r.shape[1])] T = T * self.t.unit else: raise NotImplementedError("sorry 'bout that...") return T
[docs]class CartesianOrbit(CartesianPhaseSpacePosition, Orbit): """ Represents an orbit in Cartesian coordinates -- positions and velocities (conjugate momenta) at different times. .. warning:: This is an experimental class. The API may change in a future release! The position and velocity quantities (arrays) can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, but the first two axes (0, 1) have special meaning:: - `axis=0` is the coordinate dimension (e.g., x, y, z) - `axis=1` is the time dimension So if the input position array, `pos`, has shape `pos.shape = (3, 100)`, this would be a 3D orbit (`pos[0]` is `x`, `pos[1]` is `y`, etc.). For representing multiple orbits, the position array could have 3 axes, e.g., it might have shape `pos.shape = (3, 100, 8)`, where this is interpreted as a 3D position at 100 times for 8 different orbits. The same is true for velocity. The position and velocity arrays must have the same shape. If a time argument is specified, the position and velocity arrays must have the same number of timesteps as the length of the time object:: len(t) == pos.shape[1] Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like Positions. If a numpy array (e.g., has no units), this will be stored as a dimensionless :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`. See the note above about the assumed meaning of the axes of this object. vel : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like Velocities. If a numpy array (e.g., has no units), this will be stored as a dimensionless :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`. See the note above about the assumed meaning of the axes of this object. t : array_like, :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) Array of times. If a numpy array (e.g., has no units), this will be stored as a dimensionless :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`. potential : `~gala.potential.PotentialBase` (optional) The potential that the orbit was integrated in. """ def __init__(self, pos, vel, t=None, potential=None): super(CartesianOrbit, self).__init__(pos=pos, vel=vel) if t is not None: t = np.atleast_1d(t) if self.pos.shape[1] != len(t): raise ValueError("Position and velocity must have the same length " "along axis=1 as the length of the time array " "{} vs {}".format(len(t), self.pos.shape[1])) if not hasattr(t, 'unit'): t = t * uno self.t = t self.potential = potential def __getitem__(self, slyce): if isinstance(slyce, np.ndarray) or isinstance(slyce, list): _slyce = np.array(slyce) _slyce = (slice(None),) + (slyce,) else: try: _slyce = (slice(None),) + tuple(slyce) except TypeError: _slyce = (slice(None),) + (slyce,) kw = dict() if self.t is not None: kw['t'] = self.t[_slyce[1]] pos = self.pos[_slyce] vel = self.vel[_slyce] if isinstance(_slyce[1], int) or pos.ndim == 1: return CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=pos, vel=vel) else: return self.__class__(pos=pos, vel=vel, potential=self.potential, **kw)
[docs] def w(self, units=None): """ This returns a single array containing the phase-space positions. Parameters ---------- units : `~gala.units.UnitSystem` (optional) The unit system to represent the position and velocity in before combining into the full array. Returns ------- w : `~numpy.ndarray` A numpy array of all positions and velocities, without units. Will have shape ``(2*ndim,...)``. """ if self.pos.unit == uno and self.vel.unit == uno and units is None: units = [uno] else: if units is None and self.potential is None: raise ValueError("If no UnitSystem is specified, the orbit must have " "an associated potential object.") if units is None and self.potential.units is None: raise ValueError("If no UnitSystem is specified, the potential object " "associated with this orbit must have a UnitSystem defined.") if units is None: units = self.potential.units x = self.pos.decompose(units).value v = self.vel.decompose(units).value w = np.vstack((x,v)) if w.ndim < 3: w = w[...,np.newaxis] # one orbit return w
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Computed dynamical quantities # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def r(self): """ The orbital radius. """ return np.sqrt(np.sum(self.pos**2, axis=0))
[docs] def potential_energy(self, potential=None): r""" The potential energy *per unit mass*: .. math:: E_\Phi = \Phi(\boldsymbol{q}) Returns ------- E : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The potential energy. """ if self.potential is None and potential is None: raise ValueError("To compute the potential energy, a potential" " object must be provided!") if potential is None: potential = self.potential return super(CartesianOrbit,self).potential_energy(potential)
[docs] def energy(self, potential=None): r""" The total energy *per unit mass* (e.g., kinetic + potential): Returns ------- E : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The total energy. """ return self.kinetic_energy() + self.potential_energy(potential)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Misc. useful methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def circulation(self): """ Determine which axes the Orbit circulates around by checking whether there is a change of sign of the angular momentum about an axis. Returns a 2D array with ``ndim`` integers per orbit point. If a box orbit, all integers will be 0. A 1 indicates circulation about the corresponding axis. TODO: clockwise / counterclockwise? For example, for a single 3D orbit: - Box and boxlet = [0,0,0] - z-axis (short-axis) tube = [0,0,1] - x-axis (long-axis) tube = [1,0,0] Returns ------- circulation : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array that specifies whether there is circulation about any of the axes of the input orbit. For a single orbit, will return a 1D array, but for multiple orbits, the shape will be ``(3, norbits)``. """ L = self.angular_momentum() # if only 2D, add another empty axis if L.ndim == 2: single_orbit = True L = L[...,None] else: single_orbit = False ndim,ntimes,norbits = L.shape # initial angular momentum L0 = L[:,0] # see if at any timestep the sign has changed circ = np.ones((ndim,norbits)) for ii in range(ndim): cnd = (np.sign(L0[ii]) != np.sign(L[ii,1:])) | \ (np.abs(L[ii,1:]).value < 1E-13) ix = np.atleast_1d(np.any(cnd, axis=0)) circ[ii,ix] = 0 circ = circ.astype(int) if single_orbit: return circ.reshape((ndim,)) else: return circ
[docs] def align_circulation_with_z(self, circulation=None): """ If the input orbit is a tube orbit, this function aligns the circulation axis with the z axis and returns a copy. Parameters ---------- circulation : array_like (optional) Array of bits that specify the axis about which the orbit circulates. If not provided, will compute this using :meth:`~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit.circulation`. See that method for more information. Returns ------- orb : :class:`~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit` A copy of the original orbit object with circulation aligned with the z axis. """ if circulation is None: circulation = self.circulation() circulation = atleast_2d(circulation, insert_axis=1) if self.pos.ndim < 3: pos = self.pos[...,np.newaxis] vel = self.vel[...,np.newaxis] else: pos = self.pos vel = self.vel if circulation.shape[0] != self.ndim or circulation.shape[1] != pos.shape[2]: raise ValueError("Shape of 'circulation' array should match the shape" " of the position/velocity (minus the time axis).") new_pos = pos.copy() new_vel = vel.copy() for n in range(pos.shape[2]): if circulation[2,n] == 1 or np.all(circulation[:,n] == 0): # already circulating about z or box orbit continue if sum(circulation[:,n]) > 1: logger.warning("Circulation about multiple axes - are you sure " "the orbit has been integrated for long enough?") if circulation[0,n] == 1: circ = 0 elif circulation[1,n] == 1: circ = 1 else: raise RuntimeError("Should never get here...") new_pos[circ,:,n] = pos[2,:,n] new_pos[2,:,n] = pos[circ,:,n] new_vel[circ,:,n] = vel[2,:,n] new_vel[2,:,n] = vel[circ,:,n] return self.__class__(pos=new_pos, vel=new_vel, t=self.t, potential=self.potential)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the orbit in all projections. This is a thin wrapper around `~gala.dynamics.plot_orbits` -- the docstring for this function is included here. .. warning:: This will currently fail for orbits with fewer than 3 dimensions. Parameters ---------- ix : int, array_like (optional) Index or array of indices of orbits to plot. For example, if `x` is an array of shape ``(3,1024,32)`` - 1024 timesteps for 32 orbits in 3D positions -- `ix` would specify which of the 32 orbits to plot. axes : array_like (optional) Array of matplotlib Axes objects. triangle : bool (optional) Make a triangle plot instead of plotting all projections in a single row. subplots_kwargs : dict (optional) Dictionary of kwargs passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. labels : iterable (optional) List or iterable of axis labels as strings. They should correspond to the dimensions of the input orbit. **kwargs All other keyword arguments are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. You can pass in any of the usual style kwargs like ``color=...``, ``marker=...``, etc. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.Figure` """ _label_unit = '' if self.pos.unit != u.dimensionless_unscaled: _label_unit = ' [{}]'.format(self.pos.unit) default_kwargs = { 'marker': None, 'linestyle': '-', 'labels': ('$x${}'.format(_label_unit), '$y${}'.format(_label_unit), '$z${}'.format(_label_unit)) } for k,v in default_kwargs.items(): kwargs[k] = kwargs.get(k, v) return plot_orbits(self.pos.value, **kwargs)
[docs]def combine(args, along_time_axis=False): """ Combine the input `Orbit` objects into a single object. The `Orbits` must all have the same potential and time array. Parameters ---------- args : iterable Multiple instances of `Orbit` objects. along_time_axis : bool (optional) If True, will combine single orbits along the time axis. Returns ------- obj : orbit_like A single objct with positions and velocities stacked along the last axis. """ ndim = None time = None pot = None pos_unit = None vel_unit = None cls = None all_pos = [] all_vel = [] all_time = [] for x in args: if ndim is None: ndim = x.ndim pos_unit = x.pos.unit vel_unit = x.vel.unit time = x.t if time is not None: t_unit = time.unit else: t_unit = None pot = x.potential cls = x.__class__ else: if x.__class__.__name__ != cls.__name__: raise ValueError("All objects must have the same class.") if x.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError("All objects must have the same dimensionality.") if not along_time_axis: if time is not None: if x.t is None or len(x.t) != len(time) or np.any( != time.value): raise ValueError("All orbits must have the same time array.") if x.potential != pot: raise ValueError("All orbits must have the same Potential object.") pos = x.pos if pos.ndim < 3: pos = pos[...,np.newaxis] vel = x.vel if vel.ndim < 3: vel = vel[...,np.newaxis] all_pos.append( all_vel.append( if time is not None: all_time.append( norbits = np.array([pos.shape[-1] for pos in all_pos] + [pos.shape[-1] for pos in all_vel]) if along_time_axis: if np.all(norbits == norbits[0]): all_pos = np.hstack(all_pos)*pos_unit all_vel = np.hstack(all_vel)*vel_unit if len(all_time) > 0: all_time = np.concatenate(all_time)*t_unit else: all_time = None else: raise ValueError("To combine along time axis, all orbit objects must have " "the same number of orbits.") if args[0].pos.ndim == 2: all_pos = all_pos[...,0] all_vel = all_vel[...,0] else: all_pos = np.dstack(all_pos)*pos_unit all_vel = np.dstack(all_vel)*vel_unit if len(all_time) > 0: all_time = all_time[0]*t_unit else: all_time = None return cls(pos=all_pos, vel=all_vel, t=all_time, potential=args[0].potential)