Source code for gala.dynamics.analyticactionangle

Analytic transformations to action-angle coordinates.

# Third-party
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import G
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as u

# Project
from ..potential import (Hamiltonian, PotentialBase,
                         IsochronePotential, HarmonicOscillatorPotential)
from ..util import atleast_2d

__all__ = ['isochrone_to_aa', 'harmonic_oscillator_to_aa']

[docs]def isochrone_to_aa(w, potential): """ Transform the input cartesian position and velocity to action-angle coordinates in the Isochrone potential. See Section 3.5.2 in Binney & Tremaine (2008), and be aware of the errata entry for Eq. 3.225. This transformation is analytic and can be used as a "toy potential" in the Sanders & Binney (2014) formalism for computing action-angle coordinates in any potential. .. note:: This function is included as a method of the :class:`~gala.potential.IsochronePotential` and it is recommended to call :meth:`~gala.potential.IsochronePotential.phase_space()` instead. Parameters ---------- w : :class:`gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, :class:`gala.dynamics.Orbit` potential : :class:`gala.potential.IsochronePotential`, dict An instance of the potential to use for computing the transformation to angle-action coordinates. Or, a dictionary of parameters used to define an :class:`gala.potential.IsochronePotential` instance. Returns ------- actions : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of actions computed from the input positions and velocities. angles : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of angles computed from the input positions and velocities. freqs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of frequencies computed from the input positions and velocities. """ if not isinstance(potential, PotentialBase): potential = IsochronePotential(**potential) usys = potential.units GM = (G*potential.parameters['m']).decompose(usys).value b = potential.parameters['b'].decompose(usys).value E = E = np.squeeze(E) if np.any(E > 0.): raise ValueError("Unbound particle. (E = {})".format(E)) # convert position, velocity to spherical polar coordinates w_sph = w.represent_as(coord.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation) r,phi,theta = map(np.squeeze, [w_sph.r.decompose(usys).value, w_sph.phi.radian, w_sph.theta.radian]) ang_unit = u.radian/usys['time'] vr,phi_dot,theta_dot = map(np.squeeze, [w_sph.radial_velocity.decompose(usys).value,,]) vphi = r*np.sin(theta) * phi_dot vtheta = r*theta_dot # ---------------------------- # Compute the actions # ---------------------------- L_vec = np.squeeze(w.angular_momentum().decompose(usys).value) Lz = L_vec[2] L = np.linalg.norm(L_vec, axis=0) # Radial action Jr = GM / np.sqrt(-2*E) - 0.5*(L + np.sqrt(L*L + 4*GM*b)) # compute the three action variables actions = np.array([Jr, Lz, L - np.abs(Lz)]) # Jr, Jphi, Jtheta # ---------------------------- # Angles # ---------------------------- c = GM / (-2*E) - b e = np.sqrt(1 - L*L*(1 + b/c) / GM / c) # Compute theta_r using eta tmp1 = r*vr / np.sqrt(-2.*E) tmp2 = b + c - np.sqrt(b*b + r*r) eta = np.arctan2(tmp1,tmp2) thetar = eta - e*c*np.sin(eta) / (c + b) # same as theta3 # Compute theta_z psi = np.arctan2(np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)*r*vtheta/L) psi[np.abs(vtheta) <= 1e-10] = np.pi/2. # blows up for small vtheta omega_th = 0.5 * (1 + L/np.sqrt(L*L + 4*GM*b)) a = np.sqrt((1+e) / (1-e)) ap = np.sqrt((1 + e + 2*b/c) / (1 - e + 2*b/c)) def F(x, y): z = np.zeros_like(x) ix = y>np.pi/2. z[ix] = np.pi/2. - np.arctan(np.tan(np.pi/2.-0.5*y[ix])/x[ix]) ix = y<-np.pi/2. z[ix] = -np.pi/2. + np.arctan(np.tan(np.pi/2.+0.5*y[ix])/x[ix]) ix = (y<=np.pi/2) & (y>=-np.pi/2) z[ix] = np.arctan(x[ix]*np.tan(0.5*y[ix])) return z A = omega_th*thetar - F(a,eta) - F(ap,eta)/np.sqrt(1 + 4*GM*b/L/L) thetaz = psi + A LR = Lz/L sinu = (LR/np.sqrt(1.-LR*LR)/np.tan(theta)) uu = np.arcsin(sinu) uu[sinu > 1.] = np.pi/2. uu[sinu < -1.] = -np.pi/2. uu[vtheta > 0.] = np.pi - uu[vtheta > 0.] thetap = phi - uu + np.sign(Lz)*thetaz angles = np.array([thetar, thetap, thetaz]) angles = angles % (2*np.pi) # ---------------------------- # Frequencies # ---------------------------- freqs = np.zeros_like(actions) omega_r = GM**2 / (Jr + 0.5*(L + np.sqrt(L*L + 4*GM*b)))**3 freqs[0] = omega_r freqs[1] = np.sign(actions[1]) * omega_th * omega_r freqs[2] = omega_th * omega_r a_unit = (1*usys['angular momentum']/usys['mass']).decompose(usys).unit f_unit = (1*usys['frequency']).decompose(usys).unit return actions*a_unit, angles*u.radian, freqs*f_unit
def isochrone_to_xv(actions, angles, potential): """ Transform the input actions and angles to ordinary phase space (position and velocity) in cartesian coordinates. See Section 3.5.2 in Binney & Tremaine (2008), and be aware of the errata entry for Eq. 3.225. .. note:: This function is included as a method of the :class:`~gala.potential.IsochronePotential` and it is recommended to call :meth:`~gala.potential.IsochronePotential.action_angle()` instead. Parameters ---------- actions : array_like Action variables. Must have shape ``(3,N)`` or ``(3,)``. angles : array_like Angle variables. Must have shape ``(3,N)`` or ``(3,)``. Should be in radians. potential : :class:`gala.potential.IsochronePotential` An instance of the potential to use for computing the transformation to angle-action coordinates. Returns ------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of cartesian positions computed from the input angles and actions. v : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of cartesian velocities computed from the input angles and actions. """ raise NotImplementedError("Implementation not supported until working with " "angle-action variables has a better API.") # actions = atleast_2d(actions,insert_axis=1).copy() # angles = atleast_2d(angles,insert_axis=1).copy() # usys = potential.units # GM = (G*potential.parameters['m']).decompose(usys).value # b = potential.parameters['b'].decompose(usys).value # # actions # Jr = actions[0] # Lz = actions[1] # L = actions[2] + np.abs(Lz) # # angles # theta_r,theta_phi,theta_theta = angles # # get longitude of ascending node # theta_1 = theta_phi - np.sign(Lz)*theta_theta # Omega = theta_1 # # Ly = -np.cos(Omega) * np.sqrt(L**2 - Lz**2) # # Lx = np.sqrt(L**2 - Ly**2 - Lz**2) # cosi = Lz/L # sini = np.sqrt(1 - cosi**2) # # Hamiltonian (energy) # H = -2. * GM**2 / (2.*Jr + L + np.sqrt(4.*b*GM + L**2))**2 # if np.any(H > 0.): # raise ValueError("Unbound particle. (E = {})".format(H)) # # Eq. 3.240 # c = -GM / (2.*H) - b # e = np.sqrt(1 - L*L*(1 + b/c) / GM / c) # # solve for eta # theta_3 = theta_r # eta_func = lambda x: x - e*c/(b+c)*np.sin(x) - theta_3 # eta_func_prime = lambda x: 1 - e*c/(b+c)*np.cos(x) # # use newton's method to find roots # niter = 100 # eta = np.ones_like(theta_3)*np.pi/2. # for i in range(niter): # eta -= eta_func(eta)/eta_func_prime(eta) # # TODO: when to do this??? # eta -= 2*np.pi # r = c*np.sqrt((1-e*np.cos(eta)) * (1-e*np.cos(eta) + 2*b/c)) # vr = np.sqrt(GM/(b+c))*(c*e*np.sin(eta))/r # theta_2 = theta_theta # Omega_23 = 0.5*(1 + L / np.sqrt(L**2 + 4*GM*b)) # a = np.sqrt((1+e) / (1-e)) # ap = np.sqrt((1 + e + 2*b/c) / (1 - e + 2*b/c)) # def F(x, y): # z = np.zeros_like(x) # ix = y>np.pi/2. # z[ix] = np.pi/2. - np.arctan(np.tan(np.pi/2.-0.5*y[ix])/x[ix]) # ix = y<-np.pi/2. # z[ix] = -np.pi/2. + np.arctan(np.tan(np.pi/2.+0.5*y[ix])/x[ix]) # ix = (y<=np.pi/2) & (y>=-np.pi/2) # z[ix] = np.arctan(x[ix]*np.tan(0.5*y[ix])) # return z # theta_2[Lz < 0] -= 2*np.pi # theta_3 -= 2*np.pi # A = Omega_23*theta_3 - F(a,eta) - F(ap,eta)/np.sqrt(1 + 4*GM*b/L/L) # psi = theta_2 - A # # theta # theta = np.arccos(np.sin(psi)*sini) # vtheta = L*sini*np.cos(psi)/np.cos(theta) # vtheta = -L*sini*np.cos(psi)/np.sin(theta)/r # vphi = Lz / (r*np.sin(theta)) # d_phi = vphi / (r*np.sin(theta)) # d_theta = vtheta / r # # phi # sinu = np.sin(psi)*cosi/np.sin(theta) # uu = np.arcsin(sinu) # uu[sinu > 1.] = np.pi/2. # uu[sinu < -1.] = -np.pi/2. # uu[vtheta > 0.] = np.pi - uu[vtheta > 0.] # sinu = cosi/sini * np.cos(theta)/np.sin(theta) # phi = (uu + Omega) % (2*np.pi) # # We now need to convert from spherical polar coord to cart. coord. # pos = coord.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation(r=r*u.dimensionless_unscaled, # phi=phi*u.rad, theta=theta*u.rad) # pos = pos.represent_as(coord.CartesianRepresentation) # x = # vel = coord.PhysicsSphericalDifferential(d_phi=d_phi, d_theta=d_theta, d_r=vr) # v = vel.represent_as(coord.CartesianDifferential, base=pos).d_xyz.value # return x, v
[docs]def harmonic_oscillator_to_aa(w, potential): """ Transform the input cartesian position and velocity to action-angle coordinates for the Harmonic Oscillator potential. This transformation is analytic and can be used as a "toy potential" in the Sanders & Binney (2014) formalism for computing action-angle coordinates in any potential. .. note:: This function is included as a method of the :class:`~gala.potential.HarmonicOscillatorPotential` and it is recommended to call :meth:`~gala.potential.HarmonicOscillatorPotential.action_angle()` instead. Parameters ---------- w : :class:`gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, :class:`gala.dynamics.Orbit` potential : Potential """ usys = potential.units if usys is not None: x = v = w.v_xyz.decompose(usys).value else: x = v = w.v_xyz.value _new_omega_shape = (3,) + tuple([1]*(len(x.shape)-1)) # compute actions -- just energy (hamiltonian) over frequency if usys is None: usys = [] try: omega = potential.parameters['omega'].reshape(_new_omega_shape).decompose(usys).value except AttributeError: # not a Quantity omega = potential.parameters['omega'].reshape(_new_omega_shape) action = (v**2 + (omega*x)**2)/(2.*omega) angle = np.arctan(-v / omega / x) angle[x == 0] = -np.sign(v[x == 0])*np.pi/2. angle[x < 0] += np.pi freq = potential.parameters['omega'].decompose(usys).value if usys is not None and usys: a_unit = (1*usys['angular momentum']/usys['mass']).decompose(usys).unit f_unit = (1*usys['frequency']).decompose(usys).unit return action*a_unit, (angle % (2.*np.pi))*u.radian, freq*f_unit else: return action*, (angle % (2.*np.pi))*, freq*
def harmonic_oscillator_to_xv(actions, angles, potential): """ Transform the input action-angle coordinates to cartesian position and velocity for the Harmonic Oscillator potential. .. note:: This function is included as a method of the :class:`~gala.potential.HarmonicOscillatorPotential` and it is recommended to call :meth:`~gala.potential.HarmonicOscillatorPotential.phase_space()` instead. Parameters ---------- actions : array_like angles : array_like potential : Potential """ raise NotImplementedError("Implementation not supported until working with " "angle-action variables has a better API.") # TODO: bug in below... # omega = potential.parameters['omega'].decompose(potential.units).value # x = np.sqrt(2*actions/omega[None]) * np.sin(angles) # v = np.sqrt(2*actions*omega[None]) * np.cos(angles) # return x,v