Source code for gala.dynamics.mockstream.core

# Standard library
import warnings

# Third-party
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

# Project
from ...integrate import DOPRI853Integrator
from import quantity_to_hdf5, quantity_from_hdf5
from .. import PhaseSpacePosition

__all__ = ['MockStream',
           'mock_stream', 'streakline_stream', # DEPRECATED: TODO remove
           'fardal_stream', 'dissolved_fardal_stream']

_transition_guide_url = ""

[docs]class MockStream(PhaseSpacePosition): @u.quantity_input(release_time=u.Myr) def __init__(self, pos, vel=None, frame=None, release_time=None, lead_trail=None): super().__init__(pos=pos, vel=vel, frame=frame) if release_time is not None: release_time = u.Quantity(release_time) if len(release_time) != self.pos.shape[0]: raise ValueError('shape mismatch: input release time array ' 'must have the same shape as the input ' 'phase-space data, minus the component ' 'dimension. expected {}, got {}' .format(self.pos.shape[0], len(release_time))) self.release_time = release_time if lead_trail is not None: lead_trail = np.array(lead_trail) if len(lead_trail) != self.pos.shape[0]: raise ValueError('shape mismatch: input leading/trailing array ' 'must have the same shape as the input ' 'phase-space data, minus the component ' 'dimension. expected {}, got {}' .format(self.pos.shape[0], len(lead_trail))) self.lead_trail = lead_trail # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Input / output #
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, f): """ Serialize this object to an HDF5 file. Requires ``h5py``. Parameters ---------- f : str, :class:`h5py.File` Either the filename or an open HDF5 file. """ f = super().to_hdf5(f) # if self.potential is not None: # import yaml # from import to_dict # f['potential'] = yaml.dump(to_dict(self.potential)).encode('utf-8') if self.release_time: quantity_to_hdf5(f, 'release_time', self.release_time) if self.lead_trail is not None: f['lead_trail'] = self.lead_trail.astype('S1') # TODO HACK return f
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, f): """ Load an object from an HDF5 file. Requires ``h5py``. Parameters ---------- f : str, :class:`h5py.File` Either the filename or an open HDF5 file. """ # TODO: this is duplicated code from PhaseSpacePosition if isinstance(f, str): import h5py f = h5py.File(f, mode='r') obj = PhaseSpacePosition.from_hdf5(f) if 'release_time' in f: t = quantity_from_hdf5(f['release_time']) else: t = None if 'lead_trail' in f: lt = f['lead_trail'][:] else: lt = None return cls(pos=obj.pos, vel=obj.vel, release_time=t, lead_trail=lt, frame=obj.frame)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEPRECATED / OLD STUFF BELOW # TODO: remove this
[docs]def mock_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, k_mean, k_disp, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, output_every=1, seed=None): """DEPRECATED!""" raise NotImplementedError( "This function has been deprecated by the new mock stream generation " "methodology. See {} for information about the new functionality." .format(_transition_guide_url))
[docs]def streakline_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, output_every=1, seed=None): """This function has been deprecated! See {} for more information. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~gala.potential.Hamiltonian` The system Hamiltonian. prog_orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` The orbit of the progenitor system. prog_mass : numeric, array_like A single mass or an array of masses if the progenitor mass evolves with time. release_every : int (optional) Release particles at the Lagrange points every X timesteps. Integrator : `~gala.integrate.Integrator` (optional) Integrator to use. Integrator_kwargs : dict (optional) Any extra keyword argumets to pass to the integrator function. snapshot_filename : str (optional) Filename to save all incremental snapshots of particle positions and velocities. Warning: this can make very large files if you are not careful! output_every : int (optional) If outputing snapshots (i.e., if snapshot_filename is specified), this controls how often to output a snapshot. seed : int (optional) A random number seed for initializing the particle positions. Returns ------- stream : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` """ from .df import StreaklineStreamDF from .mockstream_generator import MockStreamGenerator warnings.warn("This function is deprecated - use the new mock stream " "generation functionality. See {} for more information." .format(_transition_guide_url), DeprecationWarning) if Integrator is not DOPRI853Integrator: raise ValueError("Integrator must be DOPRI853Integrator.") rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) df = StreaklineStreamDF(random_state=rnd) gen = MockStreamGenerator(df=df, hamiltonian=hamiltonian) stream, _ =[0], prog_mass=prog_mass, release_every=release_every, t=prog_orbit.t) return stream
[docs]def fardal_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, seed=None, output_every=1): """This function has been deprecated! See {} for more information. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~gala.potential.Hamiltonian` The system Hamiltonian. prog_orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` The orbit of the progenitor system. prog_mass : numeric, array_like A single mass or an array of masses if the progenitor mass evolves with time. release_every : int (optional) Release particles at the Lagrange points every X timesteps. Integrator : `~gala.integrate.Integrator` (optional) Integrator to use. Integrator_kwargs : dict (optional) Any extra keyword argumets to pass to the integrator function. snapshot_filename : str (optional) Filename to save all incremental snapshots of particle positions and velocities. Warning: this can make very large files if you are not careful! output_every : int (optional) If outputing snapshots (i.e., if snapshot_filename is specified), this controls how often to output a snapshot. seed : int (optional) A random number seed for initializing the particle positions. Returns ------- stream : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` """ from .df import FardalStreamDF from .mockstream_generator import MockStreamGenerator warnings.warn("This function is deprecated - use the new mock stream " "generation functionality. See {} for more information." .format(_transition_guide_url), DeprecationWarning) if Integrator is not DOPRI853Integrator: raise ValueError("Integrator must be DOPRI853Integrator.") rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) df = FardalStreamDF(random_state=rnd) gen = MockStreamGenerator(df=df, hamiltonian=hamiltonian) stream, _ =[0], prog_mass=prog_mass, release_every=release_every, t=prog_orbit.t) return stream
[docs]def dissolved_fardal_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, t_disrupt, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, output_every=1, seed=None): """DEPRECATED!""" raise NotImplementedError( "This function has been deprecated by the new mock stream generation " "methodology. See {} for information about the new functionality." .format(_transition_guide_url))
streakline_stream.__doc__ = streakline_stream.__doc__.format(_transition_guide_url) fardal_stream.__doc__ = fardal_stream.__doc__.format(_transition_guide_url)